Keywords: beta-binomial |  hierarchical |  pymc3 |  posterior predictive |  Download Notebook


%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3 import Model, Normal, HalfNormal
import time

Tumors in rats

Let us try to do full Bayesian inference with PyMC3 for the rat tumor example that we have solved using Gibbs sampling in a previous lab. Remember that the goal is to estimate $\theta$, the probability of developing a tumor in a population of female rats that have not received treatement. Data of a particular experiment shows that 4 out of 14 rats develop the tumor. But we also have historical literature data for other 70 experiments, which give estimates $\theta_i$.

For convenience, we adopt a prior for $\theta_i$ from the conjugate Beta family: $\theta_i \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta)$. If we had an expert telling us the values for $\alpha$ and $\beta$, we could just calculate the posterior using the conjugate rules. But we do not usually have that. We have, instead, the historical data, that we can use to perform inference for $\theta_i$, the tumor probability in the current experiment

It is natural the model the number $y_i$ of tumors for each experiment performed on a total of $n_i$ rats as a binomial:

\[p(y_i \vert \theta_i; n_i) = Binom(n_i, y_i, \theta_i)\]

We can now write a joint posterior distribution for the $\theta$s, $\alpha$ and $\beta$, assuming partial pooling (i.e., hierarchical Bayes), where the $\theta_i$ is assumed to be different for each experiment, but all drawn from the same Beta distribution with parameteres $\alpha$ and $\beta$:

\(p( \theta_i, \alpha, \beta \vert y_i, n_i) \propto p(\alpha, \beta) \, p(\theta_i \vert \alpha, \beta) \, p(y_i \vert \theta_i, n_i,\alpha, \beta)\) or for the whole dataset: \(p( \Theta, \alpha, \beta \vert Y, \{n_i\}) \propto p(\alpha, \beta) \prod_{i=1}^{70} Beta(\theta_i, \alpha, \beta) \prod_{i=1}^{70} Binom(n_i, y_i, \theta_i)\)

So we only need to figure out the prior for the hyperparameters: $p(\alpha,\beta)$. We have shown that it is convenient to use uniform priors on the alernative variables $\mu$ (the mean of the beta distribution) and $\nu$:

\(\mu = \frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}\) \(\nu = (\alpha+\beta)^{-1/2}\)

which yiels a prior for $\alpha$ and $\beta$ of the form:

\[p(\alpha,\beta) \sim (\alpha+\beta)^{-5/2}\]

Let us firs load the data:

tumordata="""0 20 
0 20 
0 20 
0 20 
0 20 
0 20 
0 20 
0 19 
0 19 
0 19 
0 19 
0 18 
0 18 
0 17 
1 20 
1 20 
1 20 
1 20 
1 19 
1 19 
1 18 
1 18 
3 27 
2 25 
2 24 
2 23 
2 20 
2 20 
2 20 
2 20 
2 20 
2 20 
1 10 
5 49 
2 19 
5 46 
2 17 
7 49 
7 47 
3 20 
3 20 
2 13 
9 48 
10 50 
4 20 
4 20 
4 20 
4 20 
4 20 
4 20 
4 20 
10 48 
4 19 
4 19 
4 19 
5 22 
11 46 
12 49 
5 20 
5 20 
6 23 
5 19 
6 22 
6 20 
6 20 
6 20 
16 52 
15 46 
15 47 
9 24 

And now let us create two arrays, one for the observed tumors and one for the total number of rats in each of the 70 experiments.

tumortuples=[e.strip().split() for e in tumordata.split("\n")]
tumory=np.array([[0].strip()) for e in tumortuples if len(e) > 0])
tumorn=np.array([[1].strip()) for e in tumortuples if len(e) > 0])
print(tumory, tumorn)
[ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  3  2  2
  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  1  5  2  5  2  7  7  3  3  2  9 10  4  4  4  4  4  4
  4 10  4  4  4  5 11 12  5  5  6  5  6  6  6  6 16 15 15  9] [20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 20 20 20 20 19 19 18 18 27 25 24
 23 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 49 19 46 17 49 47 20 20 13 48 50 20 20 20 20 20 20
 20 48 19 19 19 22 46 49 20 20 23 19 22 20 20 20 52 46 47 24]

Just to have some intuition let us get the naive probabilities ($y_i/n_i$) of developing a tumor for each of the 70 experiments, and let’s print the mean and the standard deviation:

tumor_rat = [float(e[0])/float(e[1]) for e in zip(tumory, tumorn)]
#print (tumor_rat)
tmean = np.mean(tumor_rat)
tvar = np.var(tumor_rat)
print(tmean, tvar)
0.13600653889 0.0105576406236

We now write the model in PyMC3. PyMC3 will by default use the NUTS algorithm, unless told otherwise. Once the step method has been chosen, PyMC3 will also optimize for the parameters of the method (step sizes, proposal distributions, scaling, starting values for the parameters, etc), but we can also manually set those. Here we use both NUTS and Metropolis to perform the sampling. First let us load the relevant probability distributions

Setting up the PyMC3 model

Now let us set up the model. Note the simplification with respect to the Gibbs sampler we have used earlier. Because PyMC3 takes care of refining the parameters of the selected step method, or uses gradient-based methods for the sampling, it does not require us to specify the conditionals distributions for $\alpha$ and $\beta$. We only need to specify the priors for $\mu$ and $\nu$, and then write expressions for $\alpha$ and $\beta$ as a function of $\mu$ and $\nu$. Note that we use the pm.Deterministic function to define $\alpha$ and $\beta$ and give them proper names. Without a name, these variables will not be included in the trace.

# pymc3
from pymc3 import Uniform, Normal, HalfNormal, HalfCauchy, Binomial, Beta, sample, Model # Import relevant distributions

N = tumorn.shape[0]

with Model() as tumor_model:

    # Uniform priors on the mean and variance of the Beta distributions
    mu = Uniform("mu",0.00001,1.)
    nu = Uniform("nu",0.00001,1.)
    #nu = HalfCauchy("nu", beta = 1.)

    # Calculate hyperparameters alpha and beta as a function of mu and nu
    alpha = pm.Deterministic('alpha', mu/(nu*nu))
    beta = pm.Deterministic('beta', (1.-mu)/(nu*nu))
    # Priors for each theta
    thetas = Beta('theta', alpha, beta, shape=N)
    # Data likelihood
    obs_deaths = Binomial('obs_deaths', n=tumorn, p=thetas, observed=tumory)
from pymc3 import find_MAP

with tumor_model:
    # instantiate sampler
    step = pm.Metropolis()
    # draw 2000 posterior samples
    tumor_trace = pm.sample(200000, step=step)
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
>Metropolis: [theta]
>Metropolis: [nu]
>Metropolis: [mu]
Sampling 2 chains: 100%|██████████| 401000/401000 [04:26<00:00, 1505.99draws/s]
The gelman-rubin statistic is larger than 1.2 for some parameters.
The estimated number of effective samples is smaller than 200 for some parameters.
mtrace = tumor_trace[100000::25]
mean sd mc_error hpd_2.5 hpd_97.5 n_eff Rhat
mu 5.000669e-01 6.287878e-05 0.000006 4.999661e-01 5.001860e-01 3.234569 1.360175
nu 3.611176e-04 8.753924e-05 0.000008 2.014466e-04 5.066631e-04 1.942442 1.652039
alpha 4.727586e+06 2.801670e+06 261826.826631 1.566256e+06 1.042954e+07 2.390785 1.526307
beta 4.726268e+06 2.800994e+06 261764.660399 1.566473e+06 1.042653e+07 2.392376 1.525924
theta__0 5.000391e-01 1.800322e-04 0.000018 4.997121e-01 5.003853e-01 9.831093 0.999910
theta__1 5.001020e-01 1.329097e-04 0.000013 4.998569e-01 5.003674e-01 26.436879 1.099340
theta__2 5.001533e-01 1.659936e-04 0.000016 4.998351e-01 5.004404e-01 12.091202 1.007664
theta__3 4.999507e-01 2.331874e-04 0.000023 4.994840e-01 5.003726e-01 3.010059 1.402556
theta__4 5.002441e-01 1.948635e-04 0.000019 4.999769e-01 5.006585e-01 7.904370 1.194238
theta__5 5.000091e-01 2.041813e-04 0.000020 4.996871e-01 5.003607e-01 3.004450 1.384933
theta__6 4.999200e-01 1.604717e-04 0.000015 4.996485e-01 5.002131e-01 2.712364 1.401897
theta__7 5.001111e-01 2.240313e-04 0.000022 4.995906e-01 5.004315e-01 5.876380 1.179545
theta__8 5.001553e-01 1.604234e-04 0.000015 4.999116e-01 5.005172e-01 11.259525 1.049591
theta__9 5.000615e-01 1.719356e-04 0.000017 4.996643e-01 5.003404e-01 10.994698 1.065421
theta__10 5.000502e-01 1.883012e-04 0.000018 4.997173e-01 5.004508e-01 19.463268 1.001215
theta__11 5.000578e-01 1.575548e-04 0.000015 4.997069e-01 5.003717e-01 11.026666 1.058203
theta__12 5.000756e-01 1.698583e-04 0.000016 4.997752e-01 5.003683e-01 3.960245 1.319004
theta__13 5.000070e-01 1.786940e-04 0.000017 4.996324e-01 5.003333e-01 7.675879 1.120249
theta__14 5.001392e-01 2.366688e-04 0.000023 4.997431e-01 5.005740e-01 6.399215 1.087414
theta__15 4.999389e-01 1.429021e-04 0.000014 4.996461e-01 5.002203e-01 10.493800 1.191283
theta__16 5.000264e-01 1.527704e-04 0.000015 4.997020e-01 5.002922e-01 8.520209 1.152993
theta__17 4.999154e-01 1.854030e-04 0.000018 4.995322e-01 5.002151e-01 3.399206 1.321350
theta__18 5.000417e-01 1.937594e-04 0.000019 4.996465e-01 5.004034e-01 10.537999 1.006096
theta__19 5.001232e-01 1.455825e-04 0.000014 4.998634e-01 5.004082e-01 7.147684 1.126504
theta__20 5.000995e-01 1.986575e-04 0.000019 4.996207e-01 5.004306e-01 8.625162 1.128328
theta__21 5.001336e-01 1.439817e-04 0.000014 4.998322e-01 5.003975e-01 17.871090 1.044630
theta__22 5.000656e-01 1.165241e-04 0.000011 4.998488e-01 5.002999e-01 29.477362 1.066967
theta__23 5.000234e-01 1.151251e-04 0.000011 4.998260e-01 5.002795e-01 29.281858 1.000100
theta__24 5.001275e-01 1.492349e-04 0.000014 4.998598e-01 5.004422e-01 18.561020 1.000380
theta__25 5.000606e-01 2.124652e-04 0.000021 4.997016e-01 5.005374e-01 6.958177 1.007100
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
theta__40 5.001775e-01 1.871297e-04 0.000018 4.998663e-01 5.005601e-01 15.097984 1.000517
theta__41 5.000726e-01 2.399461e-04 0.000024 4.994396e-01 5.004034e-01 5.370408 1.161731
theta__42 5.000981e-01 1.682222e-04 0.000016 4.997105e-01 5.003691e-01 9.326048 1.066904
theta__43 4.999549e-01 2.211898e-04 0.000022 4.995577e-01 5.003209e-01 2.878013 1.395574
theta__44 5.000656e-01 1.583165e-04 0.000015 4.998096e-01 5.003818e-01 16.496075 1.002571
theta__45 4.999942e-01 1.608783e-04 0.000016 4.996740e-01 5.002416e-01 13.352827 1.106972
theta__46 5.001250e-01 1.663445e-04 0.000016 4.998137e-01 5.005003e-01 19.084825 1.051638
theta__47 5.000473e-01 1.914011e-04 0.000019 4.996274e-01 5.003780e-01 9.577494 1.078678
theta__48 5.000222e-01 1.519040e-04 0.000015 4.996622e-01 5.003131e-01 17.045429 1.075165
theta__49 4.999924e-01 1.781156e-04 0.000017 4.996150e-01 5.003196e-01 9.367578 1.013653
theta__50 5.001496e-01 1.675654e-04 0.000016 4.998011e-01 5.004607e-01 19.557957 1.006750
theta__51 5.001616e-01 2.013671e-04 0.000020 4.998633e-01 5.006041e-01 5.466876 1.193948
theta__52 5.001461e-01 1.623611e-04 0.000016 4.998244e-01 5.005076e-01 9.804783 1.007959
theta__53 5.000805e-01 1.783615e-04 0.000017 4.997702e-01 5.004180e-01 8.014413 1.182770
theta__54 5.000096e-01 1.369743e-04 0.000013 4.997913e-01 5.002760e-01 9.935164 1.032204
theta__55 5.001198e-01 1.293484e-04 0.000012 4.998772e-01 5.003745e-01 22.275240 1.002406
theta__56 5.000050e-01 1.478372e-04 0.000014 4.996954e-01 5.002809e-01 19.140730 1.019614
theta__57 5.000829e-01 1.775987e-04 0.000017 4.997650e-01 5.004582e-01 5.644519 1.155416
theta__58 5.000725e-01 1.508687e-04 0.000014 4.997883e-01 5.003515e-01 7.784004 1.199499
theta__59 5.000540e-01 1.414569e-04 0.000013 4.997392e-01 5.002932e-01 5.673277 1.243000
theta__60 4.999827e-01 1.757847e-04 0.000017 4.995909e-01 5.002680e-01 3.259067 1.349769
theta__61 5.000376e-01 1.778730e-04 0.000017 4.996996e-01 5.003708e-01 13.820166 1.012429
theta__62 5.000823e-01 1.784750e-04 0.000017 4.997655e-01 5.004359e-01 11.812727 1.032088
theta__63 4.999897e-01 2.581503e-04 0.000025 4.994230e-01 5.004484e-01 2.906859 1.420999
theta__64 5.000612e-01 1.383971e-04 0.000013 4.998412e-01 5.003580e-01 15.026356 1.002756
theta__65 5.000979e-01 2.324506e-04 0.000023 4.997207e-01 5.006178e-01 2.778490 1.432332
theta__66 5.001369e-01 1.670882e-04 0.000016 4.998011e-01 5.004797e-01 8.248015 1.008637
theta__67 5.000645e-01 2.151833e-04 0.000021 4.996766e-01 5.005471e-01 3.908657 1.318731
theta__68 5.000867e-01 1.333601e-04 0.000013 4.998251e-01 5.003215e-01 10.326565 1.044398
theta__69 5.001163e-01 1.660164e-04 0.000016 4.997761e-01 5.004282e-01 6.906468 1.179012

74 rows × 7 columns

from pymc3 import traceplot

traceplot(mtrace, varnames=['alpha','beta','theta'])
//anaconda/envs/py3l/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: 
The `ymin` argument was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.0 and will be removed in 3.2. Use `bottom` instead.
  alternative='`bottom`', obj_type='argument')

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1086012e8>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x184a15d68>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x184a3f518>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1887e3ac8>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x12fe6db38>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x184a1e940>]], dtype=object)


I have used the first half of the original samples for burnin. Note that we need many iterations, and a significant amount of thinning in order to make it converge and have uncorrelated samples. We plot the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ marginals and create a 2D histogram or KDE plot (sns.kdeplot in seaborn) of the marginal posterior density in the space $x = \alpha/\beta$, $y = log(\alpha + \beta)$. Further down we also look at the autocorrelation plots for $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\theta_1$.


array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x11355b3c8>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x17f2d8da0>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x180214080>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x181a0c9b0>]], dtype=object)



Let’s try with NUTS now:

with tumor_model:
    tumor_trace = pm.sample(40000)#, step, start=mu)
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [theta, nu, mu]
Sampling 2 chains: 100%|██████████| 81000/81000 [03:33<00:00, 379.93draws/s]
The number of effective samples is smaller than 25% for some parameters.

Discussion on warmup and adaptation:

tt = tumor_trace[5000::]
mean sd mc_error hpd_2.5 hpd_97.5 n_eff Rhat
mu 0.142671 0.013482 0.000049 0.116257 0.169103 59109.621269 0.999987
nu 0.256804 0.043600 0.000395 0.173587 0.343456 14076.577169 1.000003
alpha 2.356234 0.885711 0.009062 1.009642 4.090366 11920.240119 1.000041
beta 14.232511 5.335247 0.053187 5.901158 24.734979 12760.797477 1.000032
theta__0 0.062545 0.041190 0.000155 0.001426 0.142216 57114.307338 0.999986
theta__1 0.062545 0.041059 0.000168 0.000175 0.140762 61814.151395 0.999987
theta__2 0.062449 0.041228 0.000180 0.000782 0.141716 58898.117106 0.999986
theta__3 0.062585 0.041198 0.000179 0.000580 0.141435 58406.712770 0.999987
theta__4 0.062153 0.040964 0.000176 0.000585 0.141045 60698.101006 1.000010
theta__5 0.062497 0.041606 0.000164 0.000292 0.142410 63046.941193 0.999993
theta__6 0.062770 0.041512 0.000187 0.000105 0.141784 63023.817321 0.999987
theta__7 0.064208 0.042452 0.000168 0.000571 0.145774 61077.079804 0.999986
theta__8 0.064273 0.042562 0.000181 0.000700 0.146872 57544.041581 0.999992
theta__9 0.064479 0.042579 0.000186 0.000359 0.146103 64880.809084 0.999986
theta__10 0.064248 0.042197 0.000180 0.000564 0.145700 62979.973136 1.000004
theta__11 0.066199 0.043631 0.000201 0.000633 0.149525 60156.065174 0.999999
theta__12 0.066337 0.043481 0.000172 0.001097 0.150348 64173.087755 0.999986
theta__13 0.068089 0.044675 0.000193 0.000411 0.153202 60800.136182 1.000011
theta__14 0.090601 0.047484 0.000176 0.010498 0.181864 86662.352407 0.999986
theta__15 0.090951 0.048220 0.000165 0.009726 0.184524 83324.203128 1.000006
theta__16 0.090458 0.047725 0.000177 0.010900 0.183688 79788.348745 1.000009
theta__17 0.090624 0.048168 0.000196 0.010582 0.184257 83635.915830 0.999986
theta__18 0.093077 0.048915 0.000165 0.011609 0.188544 87567.638908 0.999986
theta__19 0.093323 0.049052 0.000158 0.009923 0.187825 85158.958841 0.999988
theta__20 0.095923 0.050479 0.000169 0.012296 0.195612 90532.353113 0.999987
theta__21 0.095991 0.050579 0.000175 0.011063 0.194170 81859.084380 0.999986
theta__22 0.122798 0.049803 0.000157 0.034500 0.220019 95776.052091 0.999995
theta__23 0.104218 0.047498 0.000164 0.023454 0.199208 84808.659289 1.000001
theta__24 0.106730 0.048697 0.000185 0.023302 0.203106 94290.434437 0.999991
theta__25 0.109694 0.050011 0.000162 0.022267 0.207214 102235.578657 0.999986
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
theta__40 0.146865 0.058558 0.000183 0.041777 0.261984 103652.372571 0.999986
theta__41 0.147525 0.065778 0.000207 0.030102 0.274830 105007.444810 0.999986
theta__42 0.176222 0.047421 0.000175 0.086746 0.269802 79145.084384 1.000013
theta__43 0.185808 0.047745 0.000169 0.099794 0.283515 82452.543457 0.999986
theta__44 0.174455 0.063212 0.000161 0.060966 0.300280 101300.501555 0.999997
theta__45 0.174581 0.063210 0.000230 0.062059 0.301569 95290.715514 0.999986
theta__46 0.174436 0.063561 0.000197 0.058815 0.298835 90052.314424 0.999986
theta__47 0.174391 0.063421 0.000225 0.059492 0.299640 90037.774671 1.000008
theta__48 0.174598 0.063581 0.000213 0.063073 0.304042 101955.788989 1.000021
theta__49 0.174643 0.063113 0.000226 0.059909 0.298779 91349.607255 1.000003
theta__50 0.174376 0.063243 0.000188 0.061179 0.300758 88346.091753 1.000005
theta__51 0.192097 0.049554 0.000171 0.100407 0.291313 96696.415050 0.999998
theta__52 0.179781 0.065145 0.000211 0.062991 0.309483 85222.955448 0.999987
theta__53 0.179466 0.064806 0.000202 0.064987 0.310693 92152.363771 0.999987
theta__54 0.179614 0.064603 0.000202 0.062636 0.307698 93720.581239 1.000077
theta__55 0.191451 0.063981 0.000211 0.073988 0.317621 93847.064895 0.999986
theta__56 0.213938 0.052120 0.000174 0.114844 0.316490 92842.549308 0.999987
theta__57 0.219551 0.051596 0.000199 0.121534 0.320302 71468.589126 1.000073
theta__58 0.202631 0.067303 0.000233 0.078683 0.335506 79052.827788 0.999995
theta__59 0.202387 0.067428 0.000223 0.077808 0.335611 78964.861693 0.999987
theta__60 0.212595 0.066060 0.000234 0.092429 0.344337 86759.061230 0.999992
theta__61 0.208208 0.069223 0.000268 0.082436 0.345336 79764.736883 1.000003
theta__62 0.218662 0.067560 0.000229 0.094363 0.352974 77136.531129 0.999986
theta__63 0.230253 0.071304 0.000256 0.098650 0.372085 80093.322450 0.999991
theta__64 0.230473 0.070972 0.000244 0.100047 0.370713 81977.147169 0.999986
theta__65 0.230547 0.071464 0.000285 0.100718 0.374298 74543.109055 1.000055
theta__66 0.268448 0.054589 0.000191 0.164719 0.375830 77466.938358 0.999995
theta__67 0.278563 0.057947 0.000238 0.168726 0.392856 67498.481305 0.999992
theta__68 0.274266 0.057061 0.000196 0.167632 0.388138 75987.954939 0.999991
theta__69 0.282718 0.073329 0.000329 0.148560 0.432725 60596.486567 0.999994

74 rows × 7 columns

pm.autocorrplot(tt, varnames=['alpha','beta'])
array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x18c574d30>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x18c56d7b8>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1965c1b38>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1965b6eb8>]], dtype=object)


from pymc3 import traceplot

#traceplot(bioassay_trace[500:], varnames=['alpha'])
traceplot(tt, varnames=['alpha','beta','theta']);
//anaconda/envs/py3l/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: 
The `ymin` argument was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.0 and will be removed in 3.2. Use `bottom` instead.
  alternative='`bottom`', obj_type='argument')


fig = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
plt.plot(tt['alpha'], tt['beta'],'.', alpha=0.1)
sns.kdeplot(tt['alpha'], tt['beta'])
plt.plot(np.log(tt['alpha']/tt['beta']), np.log(tt['alpha']+tt['beta']),'.', alpha=0.1)
sns.kdeplot(np.log(tt['alpha']/tt['beta']), np.log(tt['alpha']+tt['beta']))
Text(0, 0.5, '$\\log(\\alpha+\\beta)$')


Note the advantage of using gradients for sampling (stay tuned for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo). We need way less samples to converge to a similar result as with Metropolis, and autocorrelation plots look beter. Let us move to checking convergence for the NUTS sampler, using the Geweke diagnostic. It is important to check that both $\alpha$ and $\beta$ has converged.

pm.plot_posterior(tt, varnames=['alpha', 'beta'])
array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x17fce90f0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1086839b0>], dtype=object)


plt.figure(figsize=(8, 20))
pm.forestplot(tt, );


from pymc3 import geweke
z1 = geweke(tt, intervals=15)[0]
z2 = geweke(tt, intervals=15)[1]
tt.get_values('alpha', chains=0).shape
fig = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
plt.axhline(-1, 0, 1, linestyle='dotted')
plt.axhline(1, 0, 1, linestyle='dotted')

plt.axhline(-1, 0, 1, linestyle='dotted')
plt.axhline(1, 0, 1, linestyle='dotted')

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x18db456a0>


from pymc3 import sample_ppc
with tumor_model:
    tumor_sim = sample_ppc(tt, samples=500)
100%|██████████| 500/500 [00:03<00:00, 138.18it/s]

Let’s plot a few of the posterior predictives and the observed data:

fig = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(12, 5))
plt.plot(tumory[59]+0.5, 1, 'ro')
plt.plot(tumory[49]+0.5, 1, 'ro')
plt.plot(tumory[39]+0.5, 1, 'ro')
plt.plot(tumory[29]+0.5, 1, 'ro')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x19942e198>]


A more meaningful plot is the observed tumor rates on the x-axis against posterior medians for each of the 70 $\theta$’s on the y axis, along with error bars obtained from finding the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles. With df_summary we can get the summary with the means and the percentiles directly into a pandas dataframe:

from pymc3 import summary

df_sum = summary(tt, varnames=['theta'])
mean sd mc_error hpd_2.5 hpd_97.5 n_eff Rhat
theta__0 0.062545 0.041190 0.000155 0.001426 0.142216 57114.307338 0.999986
theta__1 0.062545 0.041059 0.000168 0.000175 0.140762 61814.151395 0.999987
theta__2 0.062449 0.041228 0.000180 0.000782 0.141716 58898.117106 0.999986
theta__3 0.062585 0.041198 0.000179 0.000580 0.141435 58406.712770 0.999987
theta__4 0.062153 0.040964 0.000176 0.000585 0.141045 60698.101006 1.000010
medianthetas = df_sum['mean'].values
lowerthetas = df_sum['hpd_2.5'].values
upperthetas = df_sum['hpd_97.5'].values

elowertheta = medianthetas - lowerthetas
euppertheta = upperthetas - medianthetas

Our naive, non-Bayesian estimate of the probabilities would have been just the ratio of rats with tumor to total number of observed rats in each experiment:


Now let us compare those naive estimates to our posterior estimates:

             medianthetas, yerr=[lowerthetas,upperthetas], fmt='o', alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel("observed rates",size=15)
plt.ylabel("posterior median of rate parameters",size=15)

(-0.1, 0.5)


Also see this problem in the pymc3 examples: